9 Morris Street
North Balwyn 3104
Victoria, Australia

We would love to be of assistance in any way possible on anything relating to stump socks. So, please feel free to write to us and we will endeavour a prompt reply.

Our preferred communication method with our customers is by email. If you feel that you need to speak to us just let us know by email so that we can arrange a suitable time for us to call you.

The address above is the location of our head office. It is not a retail outlet. Although not preferred, you may pick your socks up at this address but strictly with prior arrangement.

Please note - We do reply to all queries, however at times for one reason or another, spam filters etc. our reply may be blocked by your email server. If you do not hear from us within two business days write to us again using a different address. You may want to provide a contact number just in case the problem persist.

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